Sarah Palin is the other whom Yoda spoke about.

calendar   Thursday - April 07, 2005

Minutemen Hijinks

The Minutemen are having way too much fun along the border. Now they’re forcing illegal aliens they spot to pose for pictures wearing funny t-shirts .... then letting them go .... and then calling law enforcement to catch the greaser.

Something about that just appeals to my sense of justice .... and humor.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 04/07/2005 at 08:23 PM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and Immigration •  
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Minutemen News

Great news!  So far 141 of the scumbags have been caught.

Not only that but now New Mexico wants to do the same thing.

Ain’t it wonderful?

And I think we may have found a Presidential candidate in City Councilman David Pfeffer who said:

“I would be willing to get involved with an effort along New Mexico’s borders,” Pfeffer said.

As for carrying a weapon, Pfeffer said he “wouldn’t go out there unarmed.”

Click here for a first person account from a Vietnam vet as to why he’s doing this.

President Bush called us “vigilantes.” That just means “vigilant ones.” It doesn’t mean hate, KKK or white supremacy.
It just means “vigilance.”

I will not be disarmed and made helpless like the “world citizens” of Europe, England, Canada and Australia.
I am not a “citizen of the world.”

I am an American.


But all is not peaches and cream out there, though.  Some Arizona residents are not happy with what’s going on.

In Bisbee, a haven for “artistes” and other assorted moonbat leftists, there is a café owner who says:

“I had a Salvadoran work for me for six months, and it’s not uncommon for people here to drive a migrant north in their car rather than hand them over to the U.S. Border Patrol,” said cafe owner Charles Lewis.

Having admitted that you think thr Border Patrol or INS will do anything to monitor this dirtball?

This is the sort of mentality we are dealing with in America:

“I’d rather take my chances with the Mexicans than one of these U.S. military type idiots taking part in the patrols.”

When we have asshats like this, then can we ever hope to do something about illegals?  This bleeding heart nonsense upsets me to no end.

Thank God there are some with their heads screwed on straight:

Arcangelo Coco says he applauds the group of volunteers who have come into the area with their brand of frontier justice.

“I support the Minutemen, and if I see them I’ll shake their hand,” Coco said, adding that they are not “gunslingers” but are just “out to defend themselves.”


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 04/07/2005 at 04:25 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and Immigration •  
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calendar   Wednesday - April 06, 2005

Illegals News

The Border Patrol weenies are pissed off at our Minutemen. Seems they keep tripping the sensors put in the ground.

Too fucking bad.  If they won’t do their jobs, the Minutemen will.

Look for the liberal media (hell, let’s throw President Bush into the group, also) to use this as a justification for allowing illegals to stay in the US.

It’ll fix social security!!!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 04/06/2005 at 04:04 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and ImmigrationSocial-Security •  
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calendar   Tuesday - April 05, 2005

Democrats, Illegal Aliens And Voter Fraud

Arizona, home of this month’s Minutemen action, has a governor who’s a real piece of work (STRIKE!!!!!) shit.  She vetoed legislation requiring ID in order to vote.


She said that “could result in properly registered Arizona citizens being denied the right to vote.”

WTF?!?!?!?  If you show up to vote and don’t have ID you should be sent home with a big sign on your back saying, “I’m stupid. I’m also not fit to be a good citizen.”

Someone please explain to me why it is a violation of someone’s rights to demand identification for something as important as voting.  How many times have you been asked for ID just to cash a $10 check?  And voting is LESS important than that?

What the hell is it with Dummycraps and their desire to sell our country out to crooks, criminals, illegals, and frauds?  What vile pieces of shit these people are.  Damn it, I am mad!

Let’s hope the legislators of Arizona have the balls to over-ride her veto.  But I suspect they are all a bunch of eunuchs.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 04/05/2005 at 06:43 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsIllegal-Aliens and Immigration •  
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Illegals News

Somebody is listening, at least.  And to think it’s going on in California!!! 

Yep!  That’s right!  Orange County, California is now spending money to train its deputies in immigration laws.

Now, let’s hope they don’t train them to give illegals more rights than legal immigrants and we’ll be OK.

Meanwhile, the Los Angeles Police Department is working to revise its policy to allow officers to arrest illegal immigrants, changing a 1979 policy that restricted officers from asking a person’s immigration status. The policy was designed to encourage people to cooperate with police without fear of deportation.

Go ahead.  Re-read the above.  If ever there was an example of misguided and misdirected actions, its this politically correct bullshit about not asking someone for ID in order to get them to feel more “comfy” about sharing info with the law. 

Please, please, let’s bring back torture chambers and make these bastards talk about the mules, the gangs, the drugs, those that hire them, etc.

Don’t like your social security number?  Want a new one?  Go online and buy one!!!

Of course, the INS and the SSA administration will do nothing to stop this sort of abuse, either.  It could alienate some people and deprive them of basic human fraudulent social security numbers.

An easy problem to fix----but an impossible outcome to hope for given the congress critters we have in office.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 04/05/2005 at 06:20 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and Immigration •  
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calendar   Monday - April 04, 2005

How “Cheap” Is Illegal Labor?

Richard Lamm has written a brilliant piece on the cost of illegal labor.

Sure, it’s cheap for the person doing the hiring.  But how expensive is it to the country and its taxpayers?

It may be cheap to those who pay the wages, but for the rest of us it is clearly subsidized labor, as we taxpayers pick up the costs of education, health and other municipal costs imposed by this workforce. That has become a substantial and growing cost as the nature of illegal immigration patterns has changed.

Here’s just one example:

the average family of illegal immigrants has two to four school-age kids. It costs U.S. taxpayers more than $7,000 a child just to educate them in our public schools. Now no minimum-wage workers, or even low-wage workers, pay anywhere near enough in taxes to pay for even one child in school. Even if their parents were paying all federal and state taxes, Colorado’s estimated 30,000 school-age children of workers illegally in the U.S. impose gargantuan costs on other taxpayers.

Take the points mentioned in Lamm’s article and if we were to eliminate illegals completely would there REALLY be an increase in our costs of goods and services?

Even without the entrepreneurship and invention mentioned in my previous post (below), the cost savings alone to the taxpayers would put enough money back in their pockets to make up the rise in other costs.

Kick them the hell out NOW!!!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 04/04/2005 at 07:14 AM   
Filed Under: • EconomicsIllegal-Aliens and Immigration •  
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On The Cost Of Illegals

I have seen comments in our posts about illegals citing an often heard (but incorrect) mantra to the effect that
that prices will go up if we kick out the illegals. 

Well, I disagree vehemently.  Read on.

Just think about it.  We are a capitalistic society, right?  In the process we try and find means to reduce costs to keep prices down.  What’s the easiest way of doing so?  Through manpower.

But what happens when manpower ceases to be cheap?  What do we do then? 

The options are two:

1. we pay more
2. we find other ways to reduce costs

America has always been a nation of inventors, gadget makers, and entrepreneurs. So long as labor is cheap there is no incentive to waste time and energy on Number 2 above.  Think about it in oil exploration terms:  we know there are billions of barrels of oil trapped in shale or dirtier than we currently pump.  It stays in the ground because it is not cost effective to remove it nor refine it.  As the cost of oil is low the incentive for doing anything with it is nil.  But let the price spike and pumps start pumping.  Why?  Because now it is worth our time and effort.

Same thing with illegals.  Kick all their asses out and sure, we will see a jump in lawn care, construction, food, home cleaning.

But when that happens, the “incentive” motive kicks in and some entrepreneur will find a better way to harvest lettuce or potatoes or corn (because so long as labor was cheap there was no reason to do so); an inventor will develop tools to make home cleaning easier reducing the time to clean a home and reducing the cost to the homeowner because now the higher paid worker doesn’t have to be in the home as long.  Some scientist will develop fruits and vegetables that require less cleaning and less manipulation.  Technology will bring advances in machinery and construction.

Things we can not imagine now (because it is not worth our effort) and ideas we can not visualize today will pop to the forefront. Necessity is the mother of invention.

Simple as that.

That’s just the way our system works.

And in the meantime, this boomlet will generate more jobs and more income to LEGAL Americans.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 04/04/2005 at 06:07 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and ImmigrationPersonal •  
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Pissed Off Mexicans

Allan beat me to the punch on that story about the illegals already arrested by virtue of the actions of the Minutemen so I bring you the following.

It looks like the Minuteman Project has got some wetbacks with their knickers in a wad.

These sons of bitches have got some balls, let me tell you.  But, based on recent rulings here by judges, I would not be surprised if these cockbites would win.

Mexico’s Foreign Relations Department said Tuesday that Mexican consulates in Arizona will file criminal complaints against any illegal detentions of its citizens by volunteers of the so-called Minuteman Project.

In a press statement, the department said it would also weigh further steps _ apparently civil lawsuits _ against people involved in what it described as “vigilanteism” against undocumented Mexican migrants.

Maybe what we need to do is have incursions into Mexico by US citizens and raise holy hell there demanding tacos and burritos.  When the Wetback Government tries to arrest them we can threaten to take them to the international court for violating our human rights!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 04/04/2005 at 05:37 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and Immigration •  
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Who Needs A Gun?  (Part Deux)

If you listen to the gun fearing wussies, they’d tell you no one needs a gun.  Sure, in a utopia where no person has a criminal mind, where all people are good and kind.  The operant word is “utopia.” But our world is different.  Sickoes abound.

And some of these sickoes are so sick they do NOT need a gun for a good old fashioned bloodbath.

Especially not this German who took a sword into a church and began hacking away.

I wonder how long before the Krauts ban swords and make people register any knife over 4 inches long?

And, OBTW, he was a furr’ner!  The skinheads in Germany will love this!

Had someone in that church had a gun, this guy would be dead right now.  So, who needs a gun?  Everyone.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 04/04/2005 at 05:24 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and Immigration •  
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Border Scorecard

Today’s border score:

Minutemen .... 19
Mess-cans .... 0

The Minutemen haven’t even had a chance to get on the field for the opening kickoff yet and already nearly two dozen Mess-cans were tackled trying to beat the opening whistle. The Mess-cans were penalized fifteen yards and loss of down for off-sides. The first quarter actually begins at noon today. Play ball!


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 04/04/2005 at 04:56 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and Immigration •  
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calendar   Friday - April 01, 2005

And The President Wants Open Borders?????

Two bits of VERY DISTURBING news.

In the first, 6 Iraqis were detained on charges of using false passports.  Yes, they were detained by Mexicans but they were headed here.  Their plan was to get into Mexico and then sneak across the border.  Had their passport destination been the US I am certain the Mexicans would have done nothing.

Meanwhile, the Minutemen start their first full day today.

You know how the Mexican government is responding?  By placing 1000 military members along THEIR border.

What do they plan to do?  Open fire if we start tailing one of their cousins attempting to sneak across?  Or will they open fire on our Minutemen if they are defending themselves against hostile illegals?

I don’t know about you but that’s an open sign of aggression.  We should counter with 10,000 soldiers on our side.  Better yet, use this as an opportunity to test all those new weapons the military.  You know....the ones that fry you from the inside.  The ones that emit waves that make you nauseous.  The ones that make you bark at the moon (OK, I made that last one up.)


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 04/01/2005 at 07:56 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and ImmigrationTerrorists •  
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calendar   Tuesday - March 29, 2005

On Illegal Immigration

Here is a small compilation of recent articles dealing with illegals.

In addition, Michelle Malkin has begun a new site dealing with this issue.  It can be found here.  I recommend you bookmark it and visit often.  I know I will.

In Sterling, Colorado 35 illegals were rounded up recently. One was a group of 12 and the other a group of 23.  Now, if only they ACTUALLY get deported.  THAT’S the question that needs answering.

Being eternally cynical I see the local constabulary turning them loose because the feds will do nothing for so long it becomes too large a drain on local resources.

A case of local wildlife getting rich? Not really. These coyotes transport illegals and $7 million dollars destined for their coffers were intercepted recently.

It’s amazing how many bankers and transfer agents know about illegal activity but do nothing about it.  Almost like those Swiss banks who know they have funds belonging to the likes of Arafat, Hussein, Idi Amin, Castro, etc. but do nothing about it.

In this case Western Union is involved.  What I did not know is that Western Union makes 7 money transfers every second of every hour of every day of every week of every month of each year!  Damn!  That’s a shitload of transfers!

Minuteman Update: It begins this week.

Meanwhile, the illegal bastards currently in this country are doing things like this.

No wonder Vincente Fox wants open borders. He wants his criminal elements, his gangs, his rapists and murderers to come to the US.  Criminals want to come here, too, because they know that not only will they get more for their crimes but our prisons are better.

Want to join in?  Click here for more info about a gathering taking place in Washington D.C. April 23-28th.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform is sponsoring it and radio station personalities like Roger Hedgecock (KOGO, San Diego),John and Ken (KFI, Los Angeles), Bruce Jacobs (KFYI, Phoenix), Mike Siegel (KTTH, Seattle), Lars Larson (Westwood One), and Melanie Morgan (KSFO, San Francisco) will also participate.

Also appearing will be Tom Tancredo and Michelle Malkin.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/29/2005 at 07:10 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and Immigration •  
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calendar   Monday - March 28, 2005

As Promised--- An Open Letter

This past weekend Allan and I posted about our frustrations dealing with President Bush’s lack of action regarding illegal aliens.

I then took fingers to keyboard and wrote a letter to my Senator and Congresswoman.

I ask that you take a moment to read what follows.  It is not exactly what I sent because in my version I personalized it to my role as a blog writer, LEGAL immigrant, prolific writer of letters to the editor and my representatives, etc.

This one’s a bit more generalized and I encourage you to copy and paste it to letters you write your own Congress-critters.  Of course, this would have more effect if mailed to Republican lawmakers and if you personalized it yourself.  Congress-critters getting the same letters numerous times make them not pay as much attention.  However, they need to know we’re on to them and their shenanigans.  If you do send it to Dummycraps, please modify accordingly or you’ll look like an idiot.

Dear Congressman/woman/Senator:

I’ve recently read some very troubling things regarding illegal immigration and President Bush’s position on this issue.

I could go into great detail here but in order to keep this short will point out the salient points which are all verifiable.

--President Bush called the Minuteman Project volunteers “vigilantes.” He couldn’t be further from the truth.

--President Bush met with Vincente Fox basically telling him he will do everything in his power to make it easier for Mexicans to come across the borders.

--The INS was promised 10,000 agents to patrol our borders.  They got funded 200.

--We’ve had a 23% increase in illegal aliens streaming across our borders the past year—many with families because they know our laws are so lax that they won’t get kicked out.

--Feel-good immigration bills related to drivers’ licenses have been passed with so many loopholes an aircraft carrier could sail through them.

--We have small towns in America that are not getting any attention from the Federal government in helping them stem the tide of illegals.  Local police officials are powerless to do anything as this is a federal matter.  Meanwhile illegals run free.

--Many states are having to close down hospitals because they can’t afford the cost of taking care of illegals.

--Illegals are deported only to come right back with no means to control their ingress.

Allow me to tell you something, (Senator or Congressman/woman), I worked HARD! DAMNED HARD! to get President Bush re-elected.  Is this how we are to be treated for our efforts?  A virtual dead silence and paucity of STRONG, CONCISE legislation coupled with a seeming fear of taking on the President? (not to mention your Democrat “friends” across the aisle.)

Have you forgotten what the word ILLEGAL means?  These people come here, break our laws and then we house them, clothe them, feed them, give them government aid, allow their kids to go to our schools---all the while they pay nothing in taxes.  They are ILLEGAL!!! They are breaking our laws!!!!  Why are they allowed to do so?

Meanwhile they send BILLIONS of US dollars back to Mexico.  No wonder Vincente Fox wants opens borders.  The more illegals here sending money to him, the less HE has to spend to take care of them!  Are you people in Congress so arrogant you think we, the public, are ignorant of all this?

It is time, sir.  (ma’am) Time to take action.  If I do not see any POSITIVE, DEFINITIVE ACTION from Congress putting actual teeth into our laws and making illegal immigration ILLEGAL again, you can rest assured that I will devote all my efforts and those of my friends in the blogging world to making sure those who put the security of our nation second to grandstanding and vote-getting by Hispanics do not get re-elected. You will recall, it was the action of bloggers like myself that got the President elected and got Kerry discredited.  This is a two way street.

Furthermore, as much as it pains me, I may even cross party lines in the next election in 2006 and the next Presidential election in 2008.  This situation is intolerable.

The safety and security of our country is dependent on secure borders.  Our current policies and “turning a blind-eye” attitude make a mockery of it.

How in the world can Americans be expected to trust their elected politicians to protect and defend them when all this nonsense is allowed to go on?  Is it any wonder elected officials are held in such low esteem?

I look forward to hearing about POSITIVE, ACTIONABLE, LOOPHOLE-LESS legislation not only proposed but PASSED.  Very quickly, too, I might add.  Or you will leave me and many others like me no alternative but to actively work at defeating everyone currently in office.

You may think I am blustering.  You may even think I am threatening you and as such you casually toss this aside as just another rant.  That could not be further from the truth.

I do not threaten.  But I will use all the power available to me through email, contacts, letters, action, money and information campaigns to keep the pressure on.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/28/2005 at 07:51 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and ImmigrationPolitics •  
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Great Stuff From Vox

I’ll post this excerpt:

If you insist on clinging to the political fiction of a Democratic-Republican dichotomy, you will find the next twenty years as mystifying as the last twenty. If, on the other hand, you understand that beneath the fiction is an orchestrated effort to transform a theoretically decentralized constitutional republic into a fully centralized member of a supranational oligarchy, everything not only makes perfect sense, but becomes quite predictable. Thus, I can confidently predict:

1. uniform state euthanasia laws
2. a ban on home-schooling, probably federal
3. a political union with Canada and Mexico
4. an elimination of the right to trial by jury
5. elimination of the separation of powers doctrine (this is already effective, but not apparent)
6. a ban on all political speech by unapproved parties (already in the works)
7. emigration restrictions
8. legally recognized polyamorous relationships
9. a global tax to fund a UN military

Go read the rest. You’ll see what he means.  And you’ll thank me for it.  It’s coming.  It’s inevitable---unless we get off our asses and make our politicians accountable.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/28/2005 at 06:18 AM   
Filed Under: • HistoryIllegal-Aliens and ImmigrationPoliticsReligion •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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